July 30, 2011 Leave a comment

Max, Savannah, and Pigkiller

In the 1985 post-apocalypse adventure film, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Mel Gibson and his accomplices are hurdling down a dead-ended train track with villains in hot pursuit.  Gibson (Max) asks the driver, “So, what’s the plan?”

Pigkiller replies, “Plan?  Ain’t no plan.”  When I contemplate the present day struggle to restore the Constitution and depose the ruling oligarchy this scene comes to mind.  We seem to be making a lot of headway to nowhere real fast.  And like Max and Savannah we are prone to jump on board any convincing conveyance that takes us away from immediate problems.  Embracing the comfort of Doublethink we vainly continue to believe that the GOP co-opted Tea Party will return us to peace and prosperity.  So, what is the plan?  Lets look at a successful revolution of merely one century ago.

They had a plan

During the chaos and collapse of early 20th century Russia, globalist backed Bolsheviks consolidated power by effectively providing government structure and order.  Filling the void, worker soviets (committees) were formed to run everything from factories to food distribution.  These committees did not occur spontaneously.  They were the physical manifestation of a predetermined ideology.

Democratic Centralism is organisational method applied by the Bolsheviks in making the Russian Revolution: “democracy in discussion – centralism in action,” within a strategy of building a “vanguard party”.

Intrinsic to Marxism-Leninism theory the soviet is a microcosm building block leading to a national soviet structure.  Workers elected representatives to run the factory.  Those representatives elected still more, from among themselves, to fill positions of decision making at municipal levels, regional levels, and so forth, culminating with the Supreme Soviet.  All, of course, were beholden to the wisdom and irrefutable truth of Communist Party diktats.  Reflecting theoretical scientific socialism, it was this democratic centralism that gave moral authority to the dictatorship of the proletariat.  On the surface, it was the long awaited revolution 19th century egalitarian romantics had only dreamed about.

The point here is that, not only did the Bolsheviks understand the reality of the economic situation; they were well organized and prepared to act decisively at a given moment.  When the existing government lost credibility and effectiveness, and disruption of goods and services led to critical unrest, they stepped in with a viable solution that appealed to the masses.  They understood the moment in history as well as their moment in history.  Their ideology provided both a working perception of political reality and a pragmatic plan of action.  Their success was assured by establishing long term credibility.  When a Communist politician spoke you were guaranteed the same values, programs, and ideology heard ten years ago.  Unlike the corporatist politicians of this era you knew what you were getting.

Today, the socialist Left hardly qualifies as the opposition.  The label of ‘revolutionary’ is laughable.  They are part of the matrix that suffocates genuine insight and rebellion against the dialectic of growing Orwellian totalitarianism. The present moment in history now belongs to a philosophy diametrically opposed to everything they are.  Ironically, the burden of ushering in the next epoch falls upon folks presently stereotyped as “reactionary”.  In the repeating time loop of history constitutionalists, Ron Paul supporters, and the like, are called on to restore sanity and individual dignity.  Coincidentally, the much heralded year of 2012, as the prophesied turning point in human mega-history, is just around the corner.

Leaderless Resistance

Unlike the revolutionaries of the past, libertarians abhor centralized authority.  By nature the soviet model of coordinated, en masse, revolutionary activity is anathema.  Localized spontaneity is more in character.  When vertical organization is unacceptable more responsibility is placed on individual self actuation.  Hence, the individual must be fully politically aware and focused on the commonly accepted goal – freedom.  There can be no, or little, dependence on others to make decisions.  This mode of thinking and action is unprecedented in our recent history of TV induced herd-think.  Indeed, truly, it pleads for a radical departure from our left/right indoctrination.  It pleads for overcoming our ingrained Big Brother co-dependency.  It demands recognition of the uncompromising sovereignty of the individual.  It will prove to be a necessary mode of action for all freedom activists at this juncture in history.

In contrast to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 our revolution will not be about seizing governmental power.  Our revolution will be about a 2012 quantum change to real freedom.  Independence from their food, their money, and their belief system will send some of us into a state of shock, but the self reliance of off-the-grid living will prove to be a concrete start.

Already, some observers predict a growing number of people “drifting away”.  They are walking away from their bills, mortgages, and former mindsets.  The new economic reality is sending many to look for ways to unplug from society and seek self-sufficiency.  The New World Order is moving fast to shut down avenues of egress.  They are expanding the control grid.  They own the mass communication systems and we will face the prospect of revolutionary activity without mass accessible information – and indeed, “revolutionary activity” will merely be the pronounced desire to be left alone by the government.

A template for group activity worthy of consideration is We Are Change, a tried and true grassroots organization whose sole declared mission is to educate the public and to stand against tyranny in all forms.  They are loyal to no political party or politician.  Dedicated to the truth, they hit the streets often and disseminate information about the New World Order on their own dime. The quintessential bottom-up organization, they give you the facts and trust YOU to take action.  It is based a priori on the principle that all people yearn to be free and will act accordingly.  When they awaken and see their own slavery they will hold themselves accountable.

Perhaps the Mad Max modus operandi is appropriate.  Do you really need a plan?  Why not just do it?

To change the world by bullets was a useless procedure. Therefore, the only revolution worthwhile was the one-man (woman) revolution within the heart. Each one would make this by himself (herself) and not need to wait on a majority.  — Ammon Hennacy, Catholic Worker who lived and worked with Dorothy Day


“Marxism is scientific socialism; it is not a spontaneous politics”:

On Democratic Centralism and the Regime, Trotsky, 1937:

We Are Change:


April 28, 2011 Leave a comment

                 Its History, Dude.

While participating in a 911 Truth street action a couple of years ago I heard a curt, yet memorable, comment from a passerby.  Managing to catch the attention of a college student coasting along on a skateboard, I quickly asked, “Want to know the truth about 9/11?”

Dismissing my offer of a copy of Loose Change, he answered, “Its history, Dude” and continued on his way.  I had to admit, in his own way, he was right.  He saw no current relevance in 9/11.  It was a succinct confirmation of something I had long suspected.

The 911 Truth movement is comprised of folks and opinions that span the political spectrum.  One would think it has the makings of a successful and cogent mass movement.  Dedicated individuals have documented indisputable forensic evidence refuting the government version.  Grassroots groups have courageously engaged the public by way of local media and on the street.  However, the movement remains marginalized and misunderstood.  Years after the event, we are not much nearer to justice and closure for the crimes of 9/11/01 than we are for the lies of the Gulf of Tonkin.

Given the scope and diversity of the movement and its members, it is difficult to make generalizations.  A subjective view based on personal experience, however, reveals a preoccupation with “single issue” orientation.  Dedicated to a false flag event occurring during the Bush administration, it is held captive to a specific day in history.  Arguably, keeping things “single issue”, and nonpartisan, has its merits:  It’s about a crime and its resolution.  It is about justice for the victims and perpetrators.

In reality, however, people have political and value based motivations for their involvement in the Truth movement.  We are concerned about this government crime just as we are concerned about all government crimes, past and present.  We are concerned about the world we live in today.  9/11 is only one example of staged terrorism used by the power elite to destroy freedoms and liberties.  It is only one example of a rogue government paid off to serve financial interests contradictory to the welfare of its citizenry.  It is only one example of government sponsored murder.

It is the quintessential window into the workings of the New World Order.   It was the signal event, and pretext, marking the transformation from a republic to a police state.  For some, public exposure and criminal charges brought against the secret players behind 9/11 would be an ending.  For others, it would only be the beginning to dismantle the Orwellian global empire and restore our Constitution.  It is the one test question we pose to politicians.  Their response to the idea of reopening an honest investigation will define them as true patriots or as waffling quislings.

9/11 paved the way for two wars in the Middle East and laid the political foundation for a domestic surveillance control grid.  It is no coincidence that the ruling elite now have a police state apparatus in place to control anticipated rebellion as they rob and enslave the population.  With the connivance of their puppet governments the Anglo-American private banking cartel is in overdrive to consolidate its power.

One thing is certain.  Keeping 911 activism single issue oriented also serves the interests of the ruling elite:

The objective of the corporate elites has been to fragment the people’s movement into a vast “do it yourself” mosaic. War and globalization are no longer in the forefront of civil society activism. Activism tends to be piecemeal. There is no integrated anti-globalization anti-war movement. The economic crisis is not seen as having a relationship to the US led war.  Dissent has been compartmentalized. Separate “issue oriented” protest movements (e.g. environment, anti-globalization, peace, women’s rights, climate change) are encouraged and generously funded as opposed to a cohesive mass movement. This mosaic was already prevalent in the counter G7 summits and People’s Summits of the 1990s.
Michel Chossudovsky

It would be folly to assume that the 911 Truth movement is surreptitiously funded by any globalist financial concern for the purpose of control.  Logically, it does not wash.  However, the working principle of keeping the movement “piecemeal” and not fully integrated into an anti-war, anti-globalist movement can be just as devastating.

De facto complicity

Solely focusing on 9/11 as a crime perpetrated by a Republican administration, not only isolates it from the pertinent issues of the day, but also allows it to be exploited by those that benefit from the left/right paradigm charade.  During an almost seamless transition from the Bush administration servile to the banker cartel, to the Obama regime, equally as servile, many in the Truth movement chose to remain “single issue”, and by that, de facto complicit.  The wars continue.  The Patriot Act continues.  The debt-slavery impoverishment of Americans continues.

Within the Truth movement there are proclamations of a general mission to “advance the insight that ending a world in which 9/11-type and other “synthetic” events dictate the agenda, requires the fall of.., secret government and hidden economics”. Some activists, however, noticeably avoid the related hot topics of today.  In a time of unprecedented awakening to the New World Order (NWO), there are those who explicitly undermine attempts to place 9/11 outside of the phony left/right paradigm.  My former participation in a local Truth group that was dominated by a left-progressive clique disclosed the true danger of single issue activism.

Typically, meetings were structured around a video and discussion solely focusing 9/11.  Tangential subjects were barely tolerated.  I remember one poor chap being admonished, “We are not here to talk about the Federal Reserve.  You should go to other groups for that.”  Facilitators were fond of the mantra, “Draw your own conclusions.  We’re nonpolitical here.”  Needless to say, the meetings remained meagerly attended.

Their style of street activism matched that of the meetings.  In the fall of 2008, I was compelled to consider how many people I influenced to vote for so called Hope and Change by honoring the apolitical ideal.  At street actions and tabling events I’m sure many people mechanically took a DVD or fact sheet and made more of a connection with ‘evil’ Republicans than with the real issue – a singular “bipartisan”, long-term agenda of incremental fascism.

All activities were noticeably accompanied with aggressive intel gathering on activists and sympathizers ostensibly for a contact list.  True to form, the Left elitist penchant for information collection and control was in evidence.  Drawing my own conclusions, when my efforts to frame 9/11 within an NWO context, democratize the group, and protect personal information privacy of participants, began to take up as much time and energy as actual activism, decidedly, it was time to give up on these people and move on.

Left Opportunism

The Left, who naïvely yearn for socialist paradise, can comfort themselves that 9/11 must be the result of “right-wing capitalism”.  Single issue orientation allows them no need to think past the comfortable left/right modality.  It allows them to demonize conservatives and, at the same time, wear the cosmetic of “non-partisanship”.  A long history of false flag events, engineered by global financial elites pulling the strings on both capitalist and socialist governments, becomes moot.  In the end, Left gate keeping helps the ruling class to maintain polarization and political impotence among the masses.  In addition, socioeconomic structures based on Left ideology are necessarily top-down and elitist.  Therefore, collectivists are more keen to portray 9/11 as a singular GOP deed than as a common device to herd a given population into compliance.  Like pro TV wrestlers, elitists, and their agents, stay within a predetermined choreography.

Equivalent to Tea Party co-optation and sabotage by Neo-cons, the Left can seize leadership of the Truth movement in like fashion.  Soul mates of the eugenicist, war making, fascist elite, left collectivists continually maneuver to posture themselves as the legitimate opposition.  Caught between the ever unfolding corporatist agenda of the Obama administration and the burgeoning populism that defies the GOP/Dem dichotomy, the socialist Left will be forced to acknowledge NWO issues.  Thus far, the most effective Left co-optation of the genuine Anti-NWO movement is the Zeitgeist Movement.  Farsighted left totalitarians have scored a major victory in the propaganda war with Zeitgeist, The Movie (2007).  The P.R. film for the Venus Project, a scheme claiming to solve war and poverty with a ‘resource based social system’, Zeitgeist is a factual exposé of 9/11 and the private banking oligarchy.*  Along with a bashing of major religions against a thematic backdrop of Gaian-esque reverence for mother earth, the message is clear:  Down with the New World Order, long live our New World Order!  Making use of the 9/11 tragedy to promote global, hive-mind, communism as a cure for the ills of crony state capitalism becomes obvious.

Our goal is to not let 9/11 fade into the unforgiving prison of time.  The planners and financiers must be brought to justice.  By its very nature single issue activism does not address the system that enables and protects the perpetrators.  For many, 9/11 is indeed history.  It is the system of tyranny that is still with us and still very relevant.  The victims will only see true justice when tyranny falls.


[1] Loose Change:

[2] Manufacturing Dissent”: the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites.  The People’s Movement has been Hijacked, by Michel Chossudovsky.  Full article here:

[3] A major portal of activism,, mission statement:

© 2008 – 2011 by G. Edward Griffin. Updated 2011 March 23:

*As of this writing there are new developments regarding the Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement.  An apparent falling out between the two has occurred.  Read more:


March 8, 2011 Leave a comment

“Germany votes for Hitler! The fighter for freedom and prosperity!” 1932 Nazi poster.

Virtually from the beginning, the Tea Party has been marked by an inadequate understanding of the necessity of a consistent conservative ideology.  The latest manifestation of its corrupted philosophy is the Tea Party’s call, in late February, to counter protest the nationwide solidarity rallies held in support of the public sector workers in Wisconsin.  Charmed by slick Neocons, posing as ‘limited government’ conservatives, loyal followers dutifully showed up to wave Gadsden flags and yell across the street at fellow Americans defending their standard of living.  Long forgotten are the Tea Party’s founding principles of restoring the Constitution in the fight against Big Govt socialism.  Also forgotten is that, that includes a fight against National Socialism.

Bought off by crony capitalists, ‘balance-the-budget’ Republicans are headlong into the mission to bust unions.  Trimming expenditures is a diversion.  Politically disempowering workers is a necessary corollary of building a police state and a war society.  History repeats:

The working people of Germany, like the working people of other nations, had little to gain personally by war. While labor is usually brought around to the support of the nation at war, labor by and large is a pacific, though by no means a pacifist force in the world. The working people of Germany had not forgotten in 1933 how heavy the yoke of the war lord can be. It was the workingmen who had joined the sailors and soldiers in the revolt of 1918 to end the First World War. The Nazis had neither forgiven nor forgotten. The Nazi program required that this part of the German population not only be stripped of power to resist diversion of its scanty comforts to armament, but also be wheedled or whipped into new and unheard of sacrifices as part of the Nazi war preparation. Labor must be cowed, and that meant its organizations and means of cohesion and defense must be destroyed.  Nuremberg Trials: Opening Address for the United States.

Certainly, in the short run, war can mean an increase in jobs and wages.  Historically, however, the more conscious elements of labor have realized, and agitated, that it is the poor and the working class who will be used as cannon fodder in the very lucrative business of war.  Today, those politics are not class based.  Indeed, beyond economic class, they are shared by, not only liberals, but conservatives as well.  The awareness of the fiat money private banking system as the financial engine of illegal wars, and other entitlements, and its subsequent effect of debt slavery, have transcendent implications.

It can be argued that a public sector union does not fit into the traditional definition of an organization that defends workers against for-profit employers (capitalists).  Theoretically, the taxpayer and voter can hardly be compared to 19th century robber barons.  If so, it can also be argued further within a free market context:  If you don’t like the goods and services your municipality delivers, then move.  Take your dollars elsewhere.  The reality remains that all people have the right to negotiate with their employers.  The real problem is not that there are too many, and too big, public sector unions.  The real problem is that there is too much public sector.  Since 2007 government employs more people than the private sector and the ratio is expected to favor government, increasingly, for years to come.

It’s called, fascism.  As government grows it grows to tighten and consolidate control for the ruling oligarchy.  As big government merges with big business the line between public and private enterprise will become blurred.  To be sure, the assault on collective bargaining rights of public workers will set the precedent for the same attacks on workers in private industries benefiting from federal bailout rescues. 

Ron Paul (R) TX: The most consistent constitutionalist in Congress.

The Tea Party originated as a pro- Constitution, freedom movement.  9/11 truth seekers were also included.  It arose organically related to the Ron Paul antiwar liberty message.  We have now reached the point, however, where it is primed and ready to muster on any given day and shout down labor protests.  It has become a political action arm for the neocon financial elite.  The consummate betrayal and pièce de résistance of co-optation has found expression in Michele Bachmann’s recent vote to extend the Patriot Act.  For those of us that have been paying attention, this comes as no surprise.

Energized by the Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign folks of like mind came together and formed various groups to promulgate a return to our country’s founding principles.  Here in Boulder, we already had a Campaign for Liberty (CFL) Meetup organized and in action by mid-2007 in anticipation.  Although Paul failed to get the GOP nomination, the reincarnated liberty meme spread and many rank-and-file conservatives found new life and meaning in the growing Tea Party movement.  The numbers swelling in proportion to Change angst, they were ripe for GOP opportunism.  Republican Party activists, and other phony patriots, rushed in to happily volunteer new avenues.

Seemingly, ideological corruption popped up everywhere, and in unexpected places, overnight. Imagine my consternation to visit our local CFL Meetup site and see that the new organizer had changed the name to The Boulder Campaign for Liberty and 9.12 Group.  Fox News creation, Glenn Beck, leads the 9.12 Project, allegedly a grassroots patriot outfit.  Beck is adept at taking genuine patriotic sentiment and spinning it into pro-war jingoism.  An obvious media agent of preserving left/right polarization, he denigrated and sabotaged Ron Paul during his 2008 bid and will assuredly do the same if Paul runs again in 2012.

Chafing from the idea that the national CFL still held loyal to Paul and his uncompromising principles, some GOP operatives broke away and formed their own ‘liberty’ groups.  The nonsense reasoning that it is better to win with Bush clones than to lose with strict constitutionalists lured many from the fold.  The inescapable result was the 2010 elections that saw more than a few local authentic libertarian candidates forced to share the GOP ticket with congressional candidates still peddling the Islamophobic War-on-Terror myth.

Watching the Tea Party go from a genuine people’s anti-tyranny mass movement to what it is today has been maddening.  There is a global rebellion against the warmonger banker cartel and they have chosen to side with the forces of reaction.  From Ohio to Cairo the buzzword, “austerity”, is revealed as a smokescreen for banker rape and repression.

As if on cue, Michael Moore, the rock star of Left gate keeping and ruling elite court jester, has recently volunteered his contribution to maintaining the proper balance of the left/right paradigm.  He stated:

We’re not broke. This country is not broke. The state of Wisconsin is not broke. There’s a ton of cash in this country. . . . What’s happened is that we’ve allowed a vast majority of that cash to be concentrated in the hands of just a few people. . . . They’re sitting on the money, they’re using it for their own – they’re putting it someplace else, they have no interest in helping you with your life, with that money. We’ve allowed them to take that. That’s not theirs, that’s a national resource, that’s ours. . . . I think we need to go back to taxing these people at the proper rates. They need to – we need to see these jobs as something that we own, that we collectively own as Americans and you can’t just steal our jobs and take them someplace else.

Well, true, the banksters have milled out plenty of fiat money.  Econ 101, however, may not jive with communist philosophy.  No matter that Moore skillfully weaves in the sore point of outsourcing, equitable distribution of worthless paper will not lead to prosperity.  The financial cartel designed dollar collapse has only one end game.

Teary-eyed pleas to television viewers warn of the Muslim-atheist threat to our way of life.  Labor unions are depicted as greedy, Marxist led organizations out to destroy our economy and incite thuggery.  An atmosphere is generated eerily reminiscent of a past era when demagogues railed against so called Jewish-Communist conspiracies.

In the years directly after World War 1, Germany suffered high unemployment and runaway inflation.  Communists and socialists squared off against fascists.  Both sides preached totalitarian quick-fix ideologies and battled in the streets.  It was Yes We Can! versus Yes We Will! We know the rest of the story:  Ordo ab chao.  Lost from the mix was the third alternative: The simple idea of individual freedom.

Ardent Ron Paul supporters are wishful to recapture their rightful legacy and resume full leadership of the Tea Party.  It will prove to be an ideological cul-de-sac, however, to expect liberty politics to reside comfortably in any organization thoroughly co-opted by Neocons.  Its time for the third alternative to go on its own.  If history repeats, the prize will go to the revolutionary party with the most consistent and believable ideology.

Notes and sources:

Nazi Poster “This also is probably from the Spring 1932 elections. The text: “Germany votes for Hitler! The fighter for freedom and prosperity!” Courtesy of the University of Minnesota Library:

Hundreds demonstrate in Colorado in support of Wisconsin unions – The Denver Post

Liberty Loving Coloradoans Counter Rally to SEIU’s “Union Solidarity Action Rally” TUES Feb 22nd!

Christie: Unions Are Trying To Break The Middle Class (and more pretzel logic nonsense):

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: Funded by the Koch Bros:

Raw Story:  “Governor Walker’s union-busting budget plan contains a clause that went nearly un-noticed. This clause would allow the sale of publicly owned utility plants in Wisconsin to private parties (specifically, Koch Industries) at any price, no matter how low, without a public bidding process,” they explained. “The Koch’s have helped to fuel the unrest in Wisconsin and the drive behind the bill to eliminate the collective bargaining power of unions in a bid to gain a monopoly over the state’s power supplies:

Nuremberg Trials: Nuremberg Trials: Opening Address for the United States

An ominous trend: number of Americans working for the government vs. those making things:

Why Ron Paul Leads the Real Anti-War, Anti-Government Tea Party and Sarah Palin is a Neocon Buffoon:

Campaign for Liberty:

Boulder Campaign for Liberty:  Since its beginning the Meetup group name has changed several times:

Moore: Cash is a National Resource:

Musings on the Future

March 2, 2011 Leave a comment

“Flick a switch and open your third eye…”  You are the resistance.

A few days ago, a friend sent me a YouTube  link to the music video, ” Uprising”, by a new British rock group that calls itself, “Muse”.  Wisely, he also sent the lyrics.  Otherwise, I would have suffered through the anguish of inventing a story of how I accidentally deleted the email.  My view of modern pop music is complexioned by the prevalent collapse of culture hastened by the likes of Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga.

Corporate media is churning out the dialectic of seeking the lowest common denominator with a twist.  Daily we are flicker rate programmed with art that encourages the self loathing of humanity and the adoration of death.

Just when I think there is no hope, along come young folks like Muse.  In the revolution to overthrow the New World Order the burden will be on the backs of youth.  They hold the key.  Upon reading the lyrics, my faith in a better future is restored:

The paranoia is in bloom, the PR
Transmissions will resume, they’ll try to
Push drugs, keep us all dumb down and hope that
We will never see the truth around, so come on

Another promise, another scene, another
Package not to keep us trapped in greed with all the
Green belts wrapped around our minds and endless
Red tape to keep the truth confined, so come on

They will not force us
And they will stop degrading us
And they will not control us
We will be victorious, so come on

Interchanging mind control, come let the
Revolution take its toll, if you could
Flick a switch and open your third eye, you’d see that
We should never be afraid to die, so come on

Rise up and take the power back, it’s time that
The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that
Their time is coming to an end, we have to
Unify and watch our flag ascend, so come on

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious, so come on

Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey

They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious, so come on

Hey, hey, hey, hey

An attractive tune, the visual plot that accompanies it is somewhat bizarre.  Regardless, these guys are great musicians and I think they definitely get it – a blend of spirituality, freedom of thought, and real hope.

The song exudes determination.  Let that determination be focused and fully aware of the mistakes of history.  Let the third eye open to discern lies from truth – to know the difference between hollow, ego-centered, opportunism and genuine love for humanity demonstrated by patriotism that desires no reward.

Watch “Uprising” on YouTube:

Notes and more:

1. Exonews:

SOCIALISM: Welcome to the Reservation

December 11, 2010 Leave a comment

We're from the government. We're here to help you. Wounded Knee, SD 1890

The last few generations of Americans have lived in relative safety and comfort.  An economy and culture of abundance have seduced us into a mindset of entitlement.  Hypnotized by electronic media we have surrendered critical thinking and are ripe to willingly relinquish personal responsibility.  We say, ‘let Big Brother make decisions for us’.  Freedom has lost value.  Without bloodshed and suffering to pay for it, liberty has become meaningless.  Our priorities have shifted to seeking political correctness and docility.

Successfully subdued, the American Indians became one of the first test groups the New World Order used to develop the control grid model.  Today, whether on the reservation or not, many Native Americans are still tethered to the welfare dependency matrix.  Highlighted by the 1973 stand at Wounded Knee, however, the Indian nations have rediscovered their backbone and the desire and drive for independence.

Including a fitting dressing down to those that still buy into the lie of 9/11 and the phony Left-Right paradigm, a recent commentary by Russell Means well describes the present state of our nation.  He also accurately captures the essence of socialism:  “Left-wing socialism, or right-wing socialism; it’s still socialism!”

A society based on collectivism and totalitarianism only makes it easier for an elite to enrich themselves and enslave others.  “Democratic” socialism is a convenient myth.  Fascism is not a type of socialism.  In reality, all forms of socialism invariably end as a type of fascism.  Watch, listen, and take heed.

Republic of Lakota:
Wounded Knee 1973 Occupation:
Wounded Knee – The Darkest Hour: