
Posts Tagged ‘Eugenics’

A World About to Dawn

December 25, 2009 1 comment

Dialectics and The Higher Call  

Lessons From Les Miserables            

"The Wretched Ones"

Our generation has seen many works of art that have stirred the hearts of people longing for freedom from tyranny and oppression.  Thinking about current events the musical, Les Miserables, comes to mind.  For those of us afflicted with romanticist tendencies, like me, however, a caveat is in order.             

Composed in 1980 it is based on Victor Hugo’s book by the same name which is essentially his views supporting the French Revolution of 1848 using the events from the Paris Uprising of 1832 as the backdrop to the story.  Hugo, a reputed Rosicrucian and Illuminist, was a supporter of the French Republican movement which, ostensibly, sought to dethrone the monarchy and install a republican form of government in its place.  The year, 1848, saw many revolutions sweep through Europe and, as well, the publication of The Communist Manifesto.   

Indeed, on Dec. 2, 1848, Louis Napoleon was elected President of the Second Republic.  Exactly three years later he suspended the elected assembly and established the Second French Empire.  Does “ordo ab chao” ring a bell?            

The following clip is one of my favorites.  Beautifully inspiring, yet seductive, it passionately beckons to us to heed “a higher call”  It is a faithful reproduction and example of a historical era and its mode of mass consciousness manipulation through art propaganda to get the people to play their role in the dialectical mechanics of problem > reaction > solution.  Give it a listen.   

                      Red and Black

Interestingly, red and black are colors often associated with fascism, and other forms of totalitarianism.  Fascism heavily depends on an allegiance framed in emotionally charged, quasi-religious worship of the state.  The secular state becomes the new god and soon the people forget what the revolution was for in the first place.  This allegiance conveniently allows the state to enslave the masses and perpetuate the cycle of oppression.            

We are at a crossroads.  The (real) dark of ages past threatens to expand into complete global tyranny.  All will be lost if The New World Order succeeds in its centuries old plan of slavery and eugenics for the masses.  Right before our eyes the colour of the world is changing day by day.  It is now under a green banner that the cycle of duping the masses to play out their part in the dialectical game is orchestrated.  A new era and its accompanying mode of consciousness manipulating art and philosophy has emerged out of the old.         

Red and Black dumped for Green  

Same Fascism, New Clothes         

The Copenhagen Summit represented the next stage of fascist empire building.  This time, on a global scale.  Learning from the failed template of Nazism, however, the Anglo-American empire puppet masters have retained Hitler’s eugenics and environmentalism and have wisely dropped Aryan supremacy.  Teutonic pagan religion rationalized with fraudulent Darwinian racialist science has been replaced with a more sophisticated “higher call” to rally the people.  

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.” – Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1993.  

Global fascism needs a global art and philosophy.  Cosmopolitan and fashionable, Gaia worship, cloaked by science no less spurious than 19th century theories of European racial superiority, is the vogue.  Decades of media indoctrination have convinced the masses that the enemy is not a particular race, but all of humanity, itself.., quite a clever twist to an old ruse.    

Medieval paganism has effectively morphed into the New Age.  Long after the Cold War, and as the War on Terror becomes passe’, climactic apocalypse is the fear and passion that will regiment us.  Appeasing the earth gods with our tithes of carbon taxes to the World Bank will buy us salvation.  The priesthood of banker/govt funded IPCC prostitute scientists will continue to work their data manipulation sorcery.  “The manmade climate change debate is closed”, they announce.  “We must submit to world government”, they decree.                  

Further info:
From BlackListedNews: “In the 2005 published book How Green were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich the authors explain the Nazis received a warm welcome by the existing environmental organisations as there was ‘an ideological overlap between Nazi ideas and conservationist agendas’. As clearly illustrated by the current environmental groups, personal liberty is gladly sacrificed for what is called ‘the greater good’. It is a well-known fact that most of the environmental fanatics care nothing for matters of liberty, gladly surrendering it to tyrants and their promises of ‘environmental sustainability’. As the authors state: ‘The Nazis created nature preserves, championed sustainable forestry, curbed air pollution, and designed the autobahn highway network as a way of bringing Germans closer to nature.’ Several nationwide programs were initiated by the Nazis as a facade to cover their real plans. The first, ‘Beauty of Labour’, was created in 1934 to enhance the concept of a comfortable and pleasant workspace for the German worker. In the following year this ordinance was followed up by a ‘Reich Nature Protection Law’ to ensure the worker could walk through parks without worries. Also, laws were enacted to control air pollution. Besides of the fact that all political opponents were deported to concentration camps, it was green and happy days in Nazi-Germany.”–.html 

Darwin’s Racism, Media Monitors Network:

The New Order: First Contact

October 31, 2009 1 comment

Borg unit: "7of9"

Full Communism and Transhumanism

In the popular science fiction TV and film series, Star Trek, the Borg is an army of cyborgs traveling throughout the galaxy destroying civilizations and whole races of people.  Their spoils of war consist of the assimilation of whats left of the conquered races, and the addition of all their knowledge and being, into the Borg hive-mind network.  As individuals, the captured people cease to exist and are subsumed into one unified machine of war and conquest.  Implanted with cybernetic devices the victims become ‘units’ of one collective organism. 

Like all good action movies, the Borg bad guys are defeated in the end.  But as the lights go up and the credits roll, we are left to reflect on the obvious social commentary.  The writer clearly makes the point that, in order for humans to ‘fit into’ the collective, they must be altered and rendered incapable of independent thought.

In the socialist scheme of things the goal is to bring about universal equality, no economic want, and worldwide peace, overseen by a strong central government, of course.  According to socialist theology, this will usher in the final stage of human history: Communism – the ultimate collective.  In time, the state will “wither away” and mankind will joyfully ‘give according to his abilities and take according to his needs’. 

As Marxian scholar, P.J.D. Wiles, puts it.., “Full Communism is that final state of humanity in which productivity is higher than wants and everyone can help himself in the warehouses (not shops!). Since productivity cannot be unlimited, this entails that wants are limited: a direct contradiction to one of the basic propositions of Western economics. This is only possible because wants have been reduced to needs, Originally a governmental concept, needs are accepted as valid by each consumer, and internalized to become the new wants.”*

Assuming that this internalization genuinely takes hold in the course of countless generations under a totalitarian dictatorship, what the heck, the whole thing just may work.  But what if humanity proves to be stubborn and for some odd reason bitterly clings to personal freedoms?  What if we see through future exhortations to sacrifice for the common good as merely more ideological ruses perpetrated by the same, or yet other, self-serving elites?  Oops!  Well then, we must be altered.  Technocrats and pop culture gurus agree; we must transcend our own humanity.

transhuman_girlWikipedia defines Transhumanism [notated as h+as “an international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and capacities. The movement regards aspects of the human condition, such as disability, suffering, disease, aging, and involuntary death as unnecessary and undesirable. Transhumanists look to biotechnologies and other emerging technologies for these purposes.”   That’s the politically correct version.

Darwinian biologist Julian Huxley, brother of author Aldous Huxley,* appears to have been the first to use the actual word “transhumanism”.  The first director of UNESCO (1946) and a prominent member of the British Eugenics Society, Huxley promoted strong centralized planning, social engineering, and population control…

“Huxley was one of many intellectuals at the time who believed that the lowest class in society was genetically inferior. This passage, from 1941, puts [his] view forcefully:

“The lowest strata are reproducing too fast. Therefore… they must not have too easy access to relief or hospital treatment lest the removal of the last check on natural selection should make it too easy for children to be produced or to survive; long unemployment should be a ground for sterilisation.”*

The quintessential progressive, Huxley pioneered utopian thought to its next logical level.  As a subjective value of what humanity should be, not what humanity is, Progressivism has found the missing factor in the formula for building the perfect society: h+

Eliminating unpredictable human behavior with bioengineered ‘enhancements’ will ensure cooperation.  Transhumanism is sometimes refered to as, ‘posthumanism’.

Overtly a preposterous idea to most of us, nevertheless, we are incrementally becoming habituated to willingly plug into the hive.  The scientific dictatorship has manufactured an appeal for the hive-mind: Convenience.  Diabolical mass media mind control, however, will have less to do with it than our own ego and gluttony.  Why be inconvenienced by the mental labor and anxious uncertainty of sorting out life’s problems when others can solve them for you.


Can you hear me now?

A growing ethos of irresponsibility has replaced the spirit of self-reliance.  OnStar relieves us of reading a map and keeping track of our own car.  No longer needed is short-term memory or handwritten notes.  We stand in the cereal aisle thankful for our cell phone; “Honey, they’re out of granola.., what should I do?”  Art Bell, former host of popular radio talk show, Coast to Coast AM, once observed, “Americans are so lazy, if the remote is broken, they will not get off the couch to change channels even if they can’t stand the program.”  Embodied in this statement are a thousand words. 

We boast of our advanced lifestyle of instant gratification, but forget the mental and spiritual cost.  It’s much easier to have someone else craft a comfortable delusion for us to live in than to face painful reality with assertive and independent analytical thought.

We are composed of a generation of Americans who have been handed the luxuries of liberty, but do not comprehend the sacrifices involved and the true value of it.  Big Brother tells us slavery is freedom.  One lie begets another.  The contrived boogeymen of terrorism, pandemics, and God knows what else, will work to get us to hand over the last pretense of freedom.  Grateful for the promise of peace and security, many will clamor for microchip implants.  Chipping pets and children have already begun.  Real time government tracking and tracing will insure the continuance of our comfortable delusion.., if only we follow the rules.  Implanted h+ enhancements will complete our servitude and guarantee our devotion to the New Order.

Incumbant upon Truth and Freedom activists is, not only organizing political campaigns, but working to unplug the masses from false realities and paradigms, as well.    

References and notes:
*Full Communism, Marxian Economics, The New Palgrave, 1990 U.K.
*Author of  Brave New World:
*Wikipedia: Julian Huxley

For years, Art Bell broadcasted from his home in Pahrump, NV.  He is now semi-retired and living in the Philippines.

In A Perfect World: ObamaCare

August 24, 2009 Leave a comment

In a supreme disconnect with reality the Left is pushing for a single payer health care program.  Needless to say, ‘single payer’ translates to ‘government run’.  It cannot effectively be otherwise.  An astouding desire for a political grouping that decries oppression and advocates choice.  How can this be?

progress obamaWe are undeniably within a transitional era marked by crony capitalism morphing into national socialism.  With the groundwork laid by the Neocons, the Obama administration will continue to build the total surveillance State.  This is not an option cooked up by radical social engineers.  It will be out of necessity.

Much of our industrial base has been moved overseas.  The once prospering and comfortable middle class is shrinking and in panic mode.  Mainstream prognosticators now acknowledge that massive civil unrest looms as the value of the dollar plunges and the central private banks continue their looting spree unabated and backed by a complicit federal government. 

The Marxist View

Our country’s founders knew well the painful tyranny of despotic monarchy.  In a unique and singular event in all of history they created a constitutional republic endeavoring to legally enshrine freedom for generations to come.   Rightfully so, it was a government structure that reflected free enterprise.  Classical capitalism depends on the free movement of labor and capital.  Each man and woman were free to choose their livelihood.  Marx described the government of a capitalist economy as,  “but a committee for managing the common affairs of the bourgeoisie as a whole.”  (Manifesto, Marx, 1848) 

Marx went on to say that capital inevitably concentrates.  Financial assets flow to even fewer bank accounts as more small businesses fail and corporations merge.  Correspondingly, the State, as an evolving structure dedicated to the current needs of the bourgeosie, must defend the gains made by its paymasters and initiate more police state measures to repress rebellion engendered by growing impoverishment and discontent.  Fascism, Marx said, is the inescapable (dialectical) outcome in the later stages of capitalism.  The Republic is falling.  The Empire is emerging. 

Dangerous Idealism 

Curiously oblivious to a pragmatic and materialist conception of capitalist class relations socialists, and leftists in general, now desire the federal government to dispense and/or supervise our nation’s health care.  In a brazen abandonment of their Marxist ideological roots, they expect the Feds to humanely care for our health.  Am I missing something here?!!  The last I knew, Marxists regard the government as merely the executor and protector of the exploitative capitalist ruling class.

October 1917 Revolution

October 1917 Revolution

So where did this idealism come from?  An astute Marxist-Leninist will admit the futility of this thinking and note that it is only a stratagem.  It is an ‘issue’ to promote in order to raise class consciousness.  In other words, as the people struggle for socialized medicine, or any other ‘human right’, such as free housing, guaranteed employment, etc., the masses will be educated as to the true nature of capitalism and, disgruntled, be easily led to overthrow the government.., and seize the means of production.  The ‘issue’ is solely a means to an end.  And, in theory, thenceforward a workers’ state would be established to eradicate all vestiges of capitalist behavior and thought; Totalitarianism.

Today’s ‘Liberals’ would abhor Soviet or Chicom forms of government.  However, in his controversial book, “Liberal Fascism”, Jonah Goldberg argues that modern Liberals are philosophically descended from 19th and 20th century Progressives.*  Then, as now, Progressives have in common an undying faith that only an all powerful government can cure society’s ills and right all wrongs.  All answers can be found within varying degrees of statism.  It is an idealist mindset.  At best, it is naivete often used by others with dark motives.  It is an invitation to totalitarianism and worse horrors.  Horrors produced when self-righteous elitism is unleashed.

For example, eugenics was popular among early Progressives.  It was of necessity a program that could only be carried out by government force.  The thought of relying on individual choice as a way to sterilize and abort humans with ‘inferior’ genes to create a racially pure utopia was anathema.., obviously.  Although it could be argued that Planned Parenthood, and similar progeny of the Eugenics movement, work quite well without government enforcement to trim the population, they fall short of Margaret Sanger’s** ideal, as well as the ideal of one of her avid supporters, Hitler. 

The Progressive movement is also marked by what I call, ‘good will imperialism’.  Jeffersonian “peace and commerce with all nations” and the acknowledgement of the right of national self-determination are replaced with aggression against other countries if they do not conform to our version of enlightenment and democracy.., the perfect cloak for wars of occupation and corporate pillage. 

Intrinsically philosophically idealist, Progressivism ideology stands in contrast to classical Marxist philosophical materialism that is normally associated with true left-wing politics.  Based on Marxist reasoning alone, progressive left thinking is closer to fascism than it is to democratic socialism.   

A Happy and Perfect World

A Happy and Perfect World

In an ideal and perfect world wise and compassionate rulers would lovingly administer health care to all according to the Progressive Left faithful.  This type of socialism promoted by the Progressive Left has less to do with a workers’ revolution than what it does with a Huxlian Brave New World mentality.  It is mindset ripe to be cultivated and managed by charismatic fascist leaders promising Change.   This is not conjecture.  It is well documented that social progressives supported Mussolini in his rise to power.  Mussolini, another socialist change politician, promised improved economic conditions and ‘holistic’ solutions, as well.

‘ObamaCare’, or any other stripe of a single payer health care system, would be a ready made launch platform for eugenics and even outright genocide.  Socialists, and the fashionably socialist, who pay intellectual homage to Marx, should reexamine their own fundamental ideologies.   As freedom lovers and patriots, we would do well to point out these inconsistencies to those Americans on the left interested in critical and independent thinking. 

 * “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Goldberg:


In future posts we will explore further the current false Left/Right dichotomy.  Presently, we are asked to choose between fascism or communism, i.e., Dictatorship A or Dictatorship B.