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The New Harmony of Zeitgeist


Robert Owen’s envisioned New Harmony

“Dialectical Materialism is the philosophy of Karl Marx which he formulated by taking the dialectic of Hegel and joining it to the Materialism of Feuerbach, extracting from it a concept of progress in terms of the contradictory, interacting forces called the thesis and antithesis, culminating at a critical nodal point where one overthrows the other, giving rise to the synthesis, and applying it to the history of social development and deriving therefrom an essentially revolutionary concept of social change.”*     

and Utopian Socialism

In the Marxian school of thought all socialism not based on dialectical materialism falls within the category of utopian socialism.  Referring to their political aims as, scientific socialism, Marxists believe in the inevitable collapse of capitalism and its replacement by socialism due to the inherent flaws (antitheses) within free market socio-economies.  It is ‘scientific’ because it is claimed it is a predictable, foreseen, and natural outcome – it has the color of science.  Despite Marxism-Leninism, and its theoretical addition of the necessity of human action in the form of revolutionary parties to nursemaid the process, Marxists believe that history’s inexorable march to a socialist future is beyond and outside of human aims and desires.  ‘Social developement’, itself, has a chemical evolutionary life of its own.      

Utopian socialism, however, openly starts with human desires regardless of objective reality.  Essentially idealist, utopian socialism is identified by an attempt to impose a subjective ideal on outside reality.  It begins with a personal value system and ends with a codified society reflecting the way things should be.  In varying degrees of collectivization, ‘intentional communities’, communes, and Robert Owen’s 19th century utopian experiment in New Harmony, Indiana, are examples.  Because it is the product of subjective will, it is necessarily a top-down authoritarian system, as well.  Although some communities have thrived based on voluntary association, its members must be of like-mind.  For those not in the mind-hive it follows that conformity must be enforced.      

In our global village of today ‘revolutionry socialism’ is becoming passe’.  No longer necessary as the antithesis to free market systems and ideology, it has served its purpose.  Laissez-faire socio-economies have been synthesized into mixed economies – a form of state/corporate partnerships reflecting a maturation of the fascist model and agenda.  Much of the population is  comfortably acclimated to life regulated by faceless bureaucrats.  A new breed of collectivist propagandists, serving the globalist agenda, are now rushing in to complete the Orwellian dream.  Gaia utopianism is one such offering.  One such organizational vehicle for this is ‘The Zeitgeist Movement’.     

Eco-totalitarianism with hugs all around.

In 2007 this movement introduced itself with a well-researched, megapopular film, Zeitgeist, The Movie.  Exposing the 911 terrorist attack as a false flag event and uncovering the fraud of the Federal Reserve banking system were masterfully brought to millions of viewers.  Interestingly, the film also includes a scathing attack on Christianity declaring it a primitive, patriarchal, and violent false religion.  It concludes with a sales pitch for a global Gaia-esque type of spirituality.  The message is clear.  The old order must be torn down along with its corrupted ideology and religion before we are to embrace Earth as the new god and live happily ever after in an eco-utopia.     

Today, the leaders of the Zeitgeist Movement are busy designing models for a cybernated technocracy to run the world with a “resource based economy”.  They call it, “The Venus Project”.  From the Zeitgeist website:     

An important association, upon which many of the ideas of this movement are derived come from an organization called ” The Venus Project” directed by social engineer and industrial designer, Jacque Fresco. He has worked nearly his entire life to create the tools needed to assist a design of the world which could eventually eradicate war, poverty, crime, social stratification and corruption.     

Implied is a global control grid run by computers overseen by a few geeks who have read Plato and Marx.  Supposedly, this will appeal to the masses that are fed up with war and poverty.     

Merriam-Webster defines ‘Zeitgeist’ as: “the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era”.  As a philosophical concept it first gained currency in 18th century German Romanticism.  Roughly translated as ‘spirit of the time’, Zeitgeist, is also connected to the ‘collective unconscious’ and was considered an element of Volk.  Promoted by German nationalists of the time, ‘Volk’ (folk) was a call for a classless, yet hierarchical, system of nationhood.  As a side note, the occultism, eco-paganism, and Aryan nationalism, of Volk heavily influenced the German Nazi Party that later appeared.         

Of course, in this virtual classless society, a hierarchy of intellectuals are needed for administration.  But first the masses need to be won over to this scheme using effective propaganda.  As one German patriot* of that time boasted:  “A poet is the creator of the nation around him, he gives them a world to see and has their souls in his hand to lead them to that world.”     

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectical_materialism
Robert Owen and New Harmony, IN: http://faculty.evansville.edu/ck6/bstud/robtowen.html
Intentional communities: http://www.ic.org/
The Zeitgeist Movement: http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=18&Itemid=52
Zeitgeist, The Movie: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/
The Venus Project: http://thevenusproject.com/a-new-social-design/essay
*Zeitgeist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitgeist
*Johann Gottfried Herder: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Gottfried_Herder#Works_and_ideas

  1. Brenton
    January 31, 2010 at 17:29

    This is well written, but it’s obvious that you have no idea what The Venus Project is about. A systems approach, of applied science and technology to society to improve everyone’s standard of living, is so obviously not bona fide Marxian Socialism.

    That’s a leaps and bounds interpretation at best.

  2. sara
    February 3, 2010 at 19:19

    @ Brenton:

    I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I am tired of hearing that I “have no idea what the Venus Project is about” when I utter any criticism of it’s Marxian undertones.

    While you may agree that this article is concise and very insightful; instead of using what you know about the VP to rebut it line by line, you come along with that tired excuse.

    Please explain why VP is not genuine Marxian thought and please do explain the methods to which you reached the conclusion in the next sentence, and avoid the accusation that we don’t know enough about VP. Thank you kindly.

    • sara
      February 3, 2010 at 19:21

      Oh, and not only why VP is not Marxian but also how. I’ll be waiting.

    • Brenton
      February 4, 2010 at 14:46

      Well, I’m more than happy to do that but first you need to show HOW The Venus Project is Marxist.

      In this article all you’ve done is to mention The Zeitgeist Movement and The Venus Project, as well as to label it as Marxism. All you’ve done is attempt to create an association.

      If I am to rebut something line by line, you first need to make the accusations line by line.

      • sara
        February 4, 2010 at 21:53

        Do you practice the art of answering but not really answering a question, Brenton?

        • Brenton
          February 5, 2010 at 05:32

          Well, I can’t really answer a question when none have been asked.

          • sara
            February 6, 2010 at 19:32

            Oh, silly me, maybe I should have phrased it in such a way that my query actually ended with a question mark, would that help? And further more, you do know what “please explain” means, right? I’ll assume you went to high school and had English lessons at some point.

            • Brenton
              February 6, 2010 at 23:41

              Certainly did – top of the state. 😉

              But no, you really should phrase it with a question mark because I’ve just re-read this article and I cannot see how any of the sentences could actually have question marks on them and make sense.

              And therein lies the problem, nothing in this article could by any stretch be seen as a question – and barely even related to The Zeitgeist Movement at all.

            • Groucho
              August 4, 2013 at 07:07

              Maybe I can come to your help here, Brenton? NO, Zeitgeist and Venus projects ARE far from marxist. Being a marxist myself I can attest to that. At the very most they may be called Utopian socialist movements and as such they will never ever be a threat to the capitalist society. They may coexist peacefully – much like hippie communities – until the capitalist powerhouse deem them threating, at which point they will be crushed.
              And NO, this lie is regurgitated from ignorant people & enemies of marxism: marxism does not advocate violence per se, quite the opposite in fact! It merely states that violence will be necessary in the very probable event of capitalist counterrevolution/aggression and one would be naïve to think so. Very costly so as history repeatedly has shown. A true marxist doesn’t see working class individuals as gun-food.

  3. isabel
    February 8, 2010 at 02:03

    WOW! finally someone think like i do about ‘Zeitgeist’ the movie and the movement
    it was funny at the same time the film come out google make i big fuzz about
    the term(the kind of the good part of the term) ‘Zeitgeist’

  4. Chris
    January 28, 2011 at 14:12

    Hahahaha i think Jaques Faq on his website completely CRUSHES your statements how about you read all 100 of them and try to have us explain answers you should already have…. This is a site of news and research and you have done some terrible journalism on this. Want me to personally dissect your ENTIRE page i will do so with allot more research than you put in which was clearly no more than watching the movies and surfing google for a couple hours gaining a collective opinion from people who and if not all of us have value system disorders making our opinions false. Heres the link encase you get lost. http://www.thevenusproject.com/en/the-venus-project-introduction/faq


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